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The Multi-Peptide ELISA, combines the major advantages of Western Blot, pure proteins or antigens, with the quantitative nature of the ELISA assay.

It measure antibodies against antigens known for their involvement with Lyme disease, including antibodies against the Borrelia subspecies Sensu stricto, Afzelii, Garinii and Miyamotoi, as well as the co-infections Babesia, Bartonella and Ehrlichia. In this patented methodology, we measure IgG and IgM antibodies not only against a mixture of Borrelia antigens but also separately against proteins or peptides of different molecular sizes, such as OspA, OspB, OspC, OspE, LFA, VMP, DbpA and more.

Both Borrelia antigens grown in culture and the various proteins expressed in vivo, enabling us to improve the accuracy of our determinations. It is vital to correctly determine as early as possible whether someone is developing Lyme disease or something else. False positive test results could lead to years of incorrect treatment and unnecessary medications with their side effects, while false negative results could lead to Lyme arthritis, neuroborreliosis, and years or even a lifetime of suffering.

The combination of the gold standard ELISA method with the 4 core principles of lab testing (antigen purity, optimization, validation, duplicate testing) has resulted in an accurate and reliable method for detecting Lyme disease.



When should I use

Patients with suspected Lyme's Disease

Other Details

Other tests to consider
MS2015 B. Burgorferi IgG and IgM by ELISA
MS2016 B. Burgorferi IgG and IgM by Western Blot
MS2017 Immunoserology of Lyme’s Panel A

Turn Around Time: 12 Days

  • B. afzelii (IgG
  • B. b. sensu stricto (IgG
  • B. burgdorferi (IgG
  • B. garinii (IgG
  • B. miyamotoi (IgG
  • Babesia (IgG
  • Bartonella (IgG
  • Borrelia burgdorferi (IgG
  • Ehrlichia (IgG
  • Immunodominant Protein C6 Peptide (IgG
  • Leukocyte Function Associated Antigen + Cytokeratin 10 (IgG
  • OspA + OspC Peptides (IgG
  • OspE Peptide (IgG
  • Variable Major Protein (IgG
Specimen Type:
Venous blood
Phlebotomy Type: