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NutrEval® (FMV)

Genova Diagnostics

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This test requires a blood draw, so please ensure you can refer to a phlebotomist in the clients area before you order this test. If you cannot find one, please consider the Metabolomix instead.

The NutrEval, and its subpanels, have been redesigned and reimagined to offer even greater clinical utility! Our nutritional profiles help practitioners identify root causes of dysfunction and treat clinical imbalances that are inhibiting optimal health. These advanced diagnostic tools provide a systems-based approach for clinicians to help their patients overcome chronic conditions and live a healthier life.

Unlike any other nutritional assessments, NutrEval FMV® provides a framework of core nutrients in 5 key areas: Antioxidants, B Vitamins, Digestive Support, Essential Fatty Acids, and Minerals.

Many patients experience chronic illnesses because of nutritional deficiencies. NutrEval® offers nutritional recommendations based on a patient's individual test results.

NutrEval with a plasma amino acid analysis is also available: NutrEval Plasma.

The NutrEval® Profile includes:

Metabolic Analysis Profile

Metabolic Analysis assessment provides information on 45 key organic acids. These biomarkers are grouped into easy-to-understand categories, and provide insight for functional support in the areas of: malabsorption & dysbiosis; cellular energy & mitochondrial metabolism; neurotransmitter metabolism; vitamin deficiencies; and toxin exposure & detoxification need.

Amino Acids Analysis

Amino Acids analysis features either plasma (37 total) or urine (41 total) amino acids. This assesses nutritionally essential and non-essential amino acids, as well as intermediary metabolites that augment an understanding of B vitamin need, and need for support of protein digestion & absorption.

Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis

Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis provides a high level overview of the balance of various families of fatty acids in relation to each other: Omega 3, 6 and 9 Fatty Acids; Saturated Fatty Acids; and Monounsaturated Omega 7 and Trans Fats. It also provides key ratios for understanding cardiovascular risk, including the Omega 3 Index.

Elemental Analysis, Packed Eyrthrocytes

Elemental Profiles provide information in two categories: Nutrient Elements which evaluates intracellular nutrient status, and Toxic Elements which evaluate short-term toxic element exposure.

Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Stress biomarkers highlight the body's current state of oxidative stress and reserve capacity. Markers of oxidative injury assess cell membrane (lipid peroxides) and DNA (8-hydroxydeguanosine/8-OHdG) damage, while direct measurement of glutathione and CoQ10 provide insight into antioxidant reserve available to counter free-radical impact. Additional markers are available in our Oxidative Stress 2.0 profile.

Specimen Type:
Urine and blood
Phlebotomy Type: